Sunday, January 26, 2020

Bribery is a wide spread economic crime

Bribery is a wide spread economic crime Bribery, a form of influencing people by owing gifts or money in order to do a job which is beyond their job description can be also stated as extortion. Enormous growth in International Business has made many countries developed and excavated poverty, but has also seeded bribery in each and every sector (Sanyal and Guvenli 2009). Bribery or corruption starts because of poorly paid jobs, Workers or staffs of a firm have an illicit relation with the stake holders of the company in order to make money. In International trade bribery plays a major role, in taking up major contracts and in setting up off shore business. Bribery within its limits can be allowed to get hold of international market segments that in turn leads to a greater benefit for both the company and its stake holders. Bribery beyond its horizons has a greater inclination to the downfall of a countrys economic, political and employability stature. To fasten up the pace of development and growth of a country, in these da ys is easily possible through bribing (Blackburn and Sarmah 2006). But this necessary evil should always be kept in check. Many countries have failed to keep them in check. Today it is necessary for every growing nation to learn from these nations who have lost their track. Some of the countries have taken vigilant steps to put down this bribing activity within their boundaries. The Bribery is a wide spread economic crime in the developing world. Companies that are mainly concerned with the cost benefit analysis make more bribes. A research done by World Bank recognizes that bribery or corruption occurs because of weak accountability of the public institutions, poor civil society, lower educational qualifications, and worse economic policies (Ksenia 2008). Bureaucratic corruption comes with the corruption in international financial market. Companies that work overseas have to make tackling gifts and attractive price in order to keep up the peers in corporate world, by this they are lead into a goodwill wave in their business. In this bureaucratic corruption the bribes are given to the officials of any organization to do a job beyond their usual routine. A survey done in the year 2000 has proved that one out of ten senior managers is ready to break laws. And another survey in the year 1997 showed that 3600 firms in 69 countries are responsible for the corruption spread in that area and for its negative effects happened. (David Ng 2006) In bribery the report from Transparency International (TI) have shown that the bribery in Business segment is about 53 percent in the year 2009, and the major countries affected are Canada, Denmark, Hong Kong, Iceland, Luxembourg, Singapore etc. According to Bribe Payers Index the countries are shown in given table.(Riano and Hodess et. al 2009) Rank Country/ Territory BPI 2008 Score Respondents Standard Deviation Confidence Interval 95% Lower Bound Upper Bound 1 Belgium 8.8 252 2.00 8.5 9.0 1 Canada 8.8 264 1.80 8.5 9.0 3 Netherlands 8.7 255 1.98 8.4 8.9 3 Switzerland 8.7 256 1.98 8.4 8.9 5 Germany 8.6 513 2.14 8.4 8.8 5 United Kingdom 8.6 506 2.10 8.4 8.7 5 Japan 8.6 316 2.11 8.3 8.8 8 Australia 8.5 240 2.23 8.2 8.7 9 France 8.1 462 2.48 7.9 8.3 9 Singapore 8.1 243 2.60 7.8 8.4 9 United States 8.1 718 2.43 7.9 8.3 12 Spain 7.9 355 2.49 7.6 8.1 13 Hong Kong 7.6 288 2.67 7.3 7.9 14 South Africa 7.5 177 2.78 7.1 8.0 14 South Korea 7.5 231 2.79 7.1 7.8 14 Taiwan 7.5 287 2.76 7.1 7.8 17 Italy 7.4 421 2.89 7.1 7.7 17 Brazil 7.4 225 2.78 7.0 7.7 19 India 6.8 257 3.31 6.4 7.3 20 Mexico 6.6 123 2.97 6.1 7.2 21 China 6.5 634 3.35 6.2 6.8 22 Russia 5.9 114 3.66 5.2 6.6 Fig: 1 Bribe Payer Index 2008 Source: The BPI of the year 2008 shows that Belgium and Canada takes up the top position in the list with BPI score of 8.8. World Bank states that corruption is the single greatest obstacle to economic and social development (Blackburn and Sarmah 2006). The International anti bribery conventions is not stopping the Multinational corporations in bribing the government officials in the developing countries. Especially the areas like defence and arms, hospital segments etc. It can also be said as the bureaucratic corruption may not be bad for the business people, this way of bribing helps the individuals having an incentive to compete with the privilege of becoming bureaucrats. Corruption or bribery will make corporate governance deploy, it is said that as corruption gets increased the regulatory oversight gets weak and there will be the worst corporate governance. Corruption in business deals enhances the development of free and fair trade and economic development. Now a days the Cross border transaction increases in number which connects societies with different customs and practices. The Multinational firms which launch in to a new market wins the contracts by bribing at high prices by this the business of the multinational firm get s heated up and moves in a profitable scale. Whereas the domestic market firms which were not able to afford to the high bribe ends in negative scale of business. The multinational firms are highly concerned about the public works construction and defence sectors. They also engage in business like oil, gas, real estate, power generations and telecommunication sectors. The subsidiary companies of the international firms are most likely to be involved in bribery. Government policies are also negatively affected like low quality of goods, slow work of environmental policies. Funds used for education and health are also bribed. There are two types of bribes whitemail bribes and lubrication, bribing an official of an organization to perform an illegal or uneconomic act is referred to whitemail bribery. Bribe which is given to a government official in order to expedite any government approval or legal transaction is called as lubrication. In international trade the level of bribery can taken in two different forms such as Demand side, Supply bribery. The demand side bribery is called as the recipient of bribe and the supply side refers to payer of the bribe. Liberalization also has a greater impact over the bureaucratic corruption, since the bureaucrats value vary this raises the demand of bribe, this situation is called as benefit effect and it is counteracted by an increase in cost effect. This two effects leads to a non-monotonic relation between liberalization and corruption (Bose and pandey 2009). Effects of bribery are widespread on business and economy, it is stated that companies pay bribes since it is cheaper than spending money in research works. Many bribes are done by many companies for taking over the market segments. The attempt to earn income through an illegal mean result in advantage of both parties, the giver gains a profit by getting the order and the bribe receiver earns money or gift, but this process is only for a short period. Inflation will be the result of bribery in the international trade, the Import goods of the country increases and results in trade deficit. This pressure makes the value of the currency to come down, which makes the country more in debt and higher in inflation. As a result of higher inflation the government officials asks for higher bribe and thus the inflation and bribery cycle continues. As a result of high debt the country borrows money from IMF and the World Bank. Even though the World Bank knows that the government has nothing to do with money for the internal economic conditions, if the money is lent for the development of internal economic condition its stolen or wasted for bribing for government officials. Bribery also hurts International trading countries; it also serves as a trade barrier and acts as an unofficial tariff on export. Bribery also prevents open market system and restricts the benefits of trade agreements, with this there will be a negotiation for liberalization among the public officials with the fear of losing the control. The Economic effect of bribery or corruption reduces the economic growth of the country and this leads in decrease of foreign direct investment. World Bank estimates that the widespread corruption can reduce the countrys economic growth as well as reduce the inward investment because the investors have the fear of losing the investment in the corrupt countries. A recent survey shows that there is 60 percent chance of losing investment in Egypt and Syria, and an 80 percent in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco and Turkey (Shahabuddin 2002). The United Nations World report states that about 15 percentages of all firms in the industrialized nations bribe in order to retain their contracts, 60 percent were found in Soviet Union countries and 40 percent in Asia (Shahabuddin 2002). Many countries have started enforcing a ban on this evil bribery, which has resulted in continuous progress in past six years. These countries now represent more than worlds export actions. Out of thirty six countries seven countries are active in evading bribery, and 9 countries partially active. The rest twenty countries are dominant or with little effect. The countries and level of activity can be given as Category Percentage of world trade Countries Active Enforcement ( 7 ) 30% Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States Moderate Enforcement ( 9 ) 21% Argentina, Belgium, Finland, France, Japan, Korea (South), Netherlands, Spain, Sweden Little or No Enforcement ( 20) 15% Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey Fig : 2 There are few societies which are strong in evading the bribery such as the transparency International organizations. It is highly distinctive that bribery takes the lead role in all business investments thats being carried on in todays business world. With the census it is clearly evident that 53 percent of the business investment involves bribery. Bribery as divided by itself is seen as whitemail and lubrication. Bribery as Lubrication is acceptable to a certain limit but whitemail is never bearable. As the former just increases the pace of a work being done which mostly in turn could have a positive effect on a countries growth but the latter has always a negative effect on the countries growth and in turn spoils the ethic in the business world. Bribery as a whole has a positive inclination for an organisation to enhance its market and trade profit. This in turn leads to greater profit for the organisation and in turn to its stake holders to easily get into the global market and attain maximum profit. Even if this activity is profitable, its quiet obvious for any spectating investor to get note o f the prevailing situation and recede from investing. When somewhere someone does something wrong somewhere someone is affected. This is the perfect effect of bribery at any level. An individuals bribery has a significant effect on the inflation of the nation. This force everyone within responsible positions to fall into the bribing pit which obliviously shows that bribery leads to a circle without ends

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Culturally Proficient Leadership

EDLA 626 – Culture, Diversity & Human Rights Culturally Proficient Leadership: The Personal Journey Begins Within Summary: Part 1: Leadership as an Informed Personal Perspective Chapter 1: The Leadership Journey Begins Within Getting Centered – reality – many people in society still live segregated lives based on race / ethnicity, class – It is important that we look inward to ourselves in order to understand our reactions to people culturally different than us. – Such understanding allows us to effectively teach â€Å"other peoples’ children† Taking a Look at My School and What I See (and Don’t See) Schools and districts are influenced by social, political and economic forces not readily apparent. – Underlying the visible elements of our school communities are unapparent forces that make even more impact on our students, schools and us. – These invisible historical forces contribute to the sense of privilege or de privation experienced in our schools that impacts our students, parents and us. – These forces are termed as equity issues and serve as the metaphorical elephant in the room that many pretend not to see. Are there â€Å"Equity Issues† in Your School? – Reaction to equity issues is dependent on one’s own experiences as a student. Different experience produced for students of different cultural groups (past & present). – Regardless of personal experiences, a school leader and his/her vision benefits from knowledge of historical context of access and equity issues. – Two expressed values not fully realized are universal public education through High School and equitable educational opportunities (ex. Only 27 states have compulsory education requirements to age 16). – Progress toward universal education is linked with advancement in equitable treatment and equal outcomes for students based on gender, race, ethnicity and ableness is also e volving. Prominent researchers have pressed the issue for equity in schools for 2 generations. Confronting the â€Å"Gaps† as a Leadership Issue – Leaders faced with challenge of leading schools in ways that provide equitable opportunities irrespective of a student’s culture – The mere composition of any school poses naturally challenges due to differences (culture, race, gender, socio-economic, achievement, etc. ). – Leaders need to address systemic access disparities of quality educational programs, experienced funding and equitable school funding otherwise the status quo of gaps will continue. More equitable funding alone does not even things out . . . must be accompanied by a change in the way many students are educated. – Important question for leaders: How do we meet the academic and social needs of students who come to school with a different set of values, beliefs, socioeconomic experiences, behaviors, language and ability? NCLB as a Leadership Tool – NCLB can serve as a tool to support access and equity efforts. – NCLB has made public aware of differential educational opportunity and achievement patterns that exist in our schools and communities. NCLB used as pretext to point out and address achievement gap issues. Such a gap is a multifaceted outcome measure of gaps in access to education. – Achievement gaps differentiated by race, ethnicity, gender, class, etc. are being highlighted by the media. Definitions of Key Terms – Culture: The set of practices and beliefs shared by members of a particular group that distinguish that group from other groups. – Cultural Informancy: Reflects our experience of having cross cultural relationships that are authentic and trusting which allow for mutual learning and feedback leading to personal growth. Demographic Groups: Often used in schools in pace of subgroup. – Dominant Culture: A culture readily visible in a classroom and scho ol which often benefits from treatment, attention and success while others may be hidden and not apparent and not receive equitable treatment or attain equal levels of success.. – Equity: Access to material and human resources in proportion to needs. – Ethnicity: Ancestral heritage and geography, common history and to some degree physical appearance. – National Origin: A designation related to a person’s country of birth and prior citizenship. Nativism: The practice of valuing the rights of citizens born in this country over those of immigrants (marginalization effort & attempt of immigrants). – Race: A concept developed by social scientists and misinterpreted and used by groups to characterize people by their physical features and to use those differences to justify suppression of some while promotion of others. – Reflection: careful consideration of one’s behaviors, plans, values and assumptions in an effort to improve interpersonal and professional practice. – Sexual Orientation: An enduring, emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person.It exists along a continuum and differs from sexual behavior because it refers to feelings and self-concept. Chapter 2: The Cultural Proficiency Leadership Lens – Provides an overview of the tools of cultural proficiency. Such will provide one with an important lens and knowledge for action. Getting Centered – Educational gaps are our issue with at least 3 arguments being important prerequisites: 1. We must acknowledge that educational gaps are historical and persistent. Although we inherited them, they cannot be ignored.The issue of academic underperformance of children of poverty and some visible minorities is not new information. 2. If gaps are to be closed, we must move forward to examine our values, behaviors, policies and practices of our schools. 3. We can make a difference when we pay attention to who students say they ar e and their needs before the needs of our own and that of the school system. – Cultural proficiency is: †¢ A process that begins with us, not with our students or their communities †¢ A shift in thinking that moves us from viewing culture as problematic to embracing and esteeming culture. A lens through which we view our role as educators †¢ A concept comprised of a set of four interrelated tools to guide our practice. Cultural Proficiency Is an Inside-Out Process – Cultural proficiency is an inside-out process of personal and organizational change. It is who we are more than what we do. – We are students of our assumptions about self, others and the context in which we work with others – Fundamental to addressing educational gap issues is one’s willingness and ability to examine yourself and your organization. Cultural proficiency provides leaders with a comprehensive, systemic structure to identify, examine and discuss educational issues in our schools. Cultural Proficiency Represents a Leadership Paradigm – Cultural proficiency . . . a mindset for how we interact with all people regardless of background . . . a worldview that carries explicit values, language and standards for effective personal interactions and professional practices . . . is a 24/7 approach to both our personal and professional lives . . . is not a set of independent strategies one learns to use with others. Educators who commit to culturally proficient practices represent a paradigmatic shift away from the status quo dominant group view. The paradigmatic shift moves from tolerating diversity to transformational commitment to equity. Cultural Proficiency as an Educational Leadership Lens – The following four tools of cultural proficiency can be used as a template for a leader’s personal and professional development: 1. Guiding principles on which you can build an ethical and professional frame for effective cross-cultu ral communication and problem solving. 2.A continuum of behaviors that enables you to diagnose your values and behavior in such a way that you can better influence policies and practices of our profession. 3. Essential elements expressed in terms of standards of personal and professional conduct that serve as a framework for responding to academic and social needs of the cultural groups in your school & community. 4. Barriers to this work framed in such a way that you are intentional in the use of the guiding principles and essential elements. – Effective educational leaders are clear about themselves relative to working with and leading culturally diverse communities.The Cultural Proficiency Toolkit – Cultural proficiency is comprised of an interrelated set of 4 tools which provide the means for a leader to guide his personal and professional development in a cultural proficient manner. †¢ The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency – Guiding principles provide one with a moral philosophical framework to examine & under-stand beliefs about the education of students from cultural groups different from them. – Guiding principles provide a framework of how the cultural diversity of students should inform professional practice when responding to student learning needs. A good place to see if school values align with predominant behaviors in the school is the mission / vision statement. †¢ The Cultural Proficiency Continuum – Consists of 6 points. The first 3 (cultural destructiveness, cultural incapacity, cultural blindness) points focus on them as being problematic. The next 3 (cultural precompetence, cultural competence, cultural proficiency) focus on your practice as transformational leadership. 1. cultural destructiveness – see the difference and eliminate it 2. cultural incapacity – see the difference and make it appear wrong 3. ultural blindness – see the difference and act like you donâ⠂¬â„¢t see it 4. cultural precompetence – see the difference and act but inconsistently in appropriateness 5. cultural competence – see the difference and be inclusive 6. cultural proficiency – see the difference and respond positively, engage, adapt and commit to social justice / equity †¢ The Five Essential Elements of Cultural Competence – These elements are standards for culturally competent values, behaviors, policies and practices I. Assessing Cultural Knowledge II. Valuing Diversity III. Managing the Dynamic of DifferenceIV. Adapting to Diversity V. Institutionalizing Cultural Knowledge †¢ Overcoming Barriers to Cultural Proficiency – There are barriers to achieving culturally proficient actions. They exist together in combination not as isolated events. I. Resistance to Change II. Systems of Oppression III. A Sense of Privilege and Entitlement †¢Cultural Proficiency is . . . – An approach for surfacing educatorsâ€℠¢ assumptions and values that undermine the success of some student groups – A lens for examining how we include and honour the cultures and learning needs of all students in the educational process.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Benefits of Economics Essay Topics High School

The Benefits of Economics Essay Topics High School Even thought you may not think you're a master at persuasion, odds are you're much better than you believe. Also, a whole revision is essential at the close of the undertaking. Biological weapons shouldn't be allowed. Home economics, on the flip side, teaches things which each student will want to understand. Nobody really wishes to compose an essay. If you're thinking about how to compose a persuasive essay, you should know that writing an essay is a complicated course of action. Good persuasive essay topics must be persuasive. Selecting an excellent topic for your essay is among the most significant and frequently tricky parts for many students. You have to know all facets of financial topics after you choose them. To defend your subject, you might recall the effect of overloaded schedule on college grades. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, generally, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no legitimate method to provide a free college education as colleges would still have to be funded (likely through tax dollars). Home economics are going to teach you many of the skills which can help you develop into a functioning adult and a thriving portion of a community. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Economics Essay Topics High School Is Wrong Coursework ict the enrollment at reasonable prices. Textbooks are obsolete and needs to be replaced by iPads. College tuition is just one of the priciest investments a youthful person can make. Economics is among the best subjects that you may take up in high school. Think of one school rule which you really dislike. Imagine your school does not own a school newspaper. School should happen in the evenings. Think of one thing you're expected to learn in school that you don't think ought to be included in the curriculum. Get the Scoop on Economics Essay Topics High School Before You're Too Late It's imp ortant to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering a notion that might be a huge deal to somebody else. Sample persuasive essays can also offer inspiration on topics to write on in addition to serve as examples about how to compose your essay. They are a great way to encourage the reader to look at a certain topic in a different light. At exactly the same time, it's an amazing persuasive essay idea. On the opposing side, acquiring a list of good persuasive essay topics is inadequate. After you have the topic, answer the question and after that support your answer with three or more explanations for why you believe it. It will be simpler that you compose a superior persuasive essay if it's a subject in which you have knowledge. Developing a budget is more complicated than making certain you still have money at the conclusion of monthly. It is vital to pick a great topic so as to compose a good paper. You may trust us to supply expert assistance for many of your academic writing needs. The issue, nevertheless, is that not all businesses can be relied on to deliver quality essays on time so you need to be cautious in selecting one. If you're just registering for middle school or higher school classes, the value of home economics may not be quite as very clear. A survival program should turn into a must-have for every single family in the event of natural disasters. Sure, you most likely already understand that it's important to understand how to cook, but you might not understand how to budget your funds or do your taxes, both skills you may learn in the home economics classroom. Your friends who don't have the advantage of a home economics class is going to have to look up the way to do the exact same skills you take for granted. Board members are going to have place to create announcements and bring up community problems. Schools should not have anything to do with ads. Students are accustomed to the simple fact which their professors give them with the assignment's topic. They should be careful about posting on social media. The value of research in persuasive writing cannot be overstated. As any guide on how best to compose a persuasive essay will inform you, your essay has to be organized in paragraphs with a logical progression from 1 paragraph to the next. In the end, if you are going to write and essay but have very little knowledge or interest in the topic, don't forget that there are lots of custom essay writers which will gladly do the task for you. Just stick to the guidelines stated above, and you'll be well on your way to writing a fantastic persuasive essay. Needless to say, giving an excellent persuasive speech requires more than simply selecting a fantastic topic. An excessive amount of money isn't a good thing. You still have to make an outstanding bit of writing. One other important aspect when picking a persuasive speech topic is to select a topic that could provoke your audience a little.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Prescription Drug Abuse And The United States With Students

Running Head: Prescription Drug Abuse Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States with students Vikash Patel Wayne State University Prescription drug abuse among college students have increased over the past few years and is now a national problem. College students are abusing stimulant prescription pills just to stay awake to study and they will abuse the prescription pills just to stay awake to socialize with friends. According to the journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, they have come up with a new term called Generation RX, which is known to the rising group of young adults who are abusing prescription medication. In 2008 the National Drug Survey on Drug Use and Health had found an increase of 21.1% in the general population in the use of nonmedical prescription between the years of 1992-2003 and 15% of people ages 18-25 reported the use of prescription pills. Research showed that in the past ten years prescription stimulants has passed the abuse of other drugs on college campuses. The only drug that research says that prescription pills did not pass for being used more commonly was marijuana. College students have reported saying that they use prescription stimulants for both academic and recreational. To be more specific, college students said, Alcohol, marijuana, prescription barbiturates, and cocaine were used mainly as have fun drugs. While ADHD medication was used for getting good grades. (DeSantis et al., 2008, p. 317).Show MoreRelatedGunnar Monical. Professor Greg Murray. 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